
Join our Coalition of C.A.R.E. and help eliminate health disparities in our community.

GRAAHI, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, is at the forefront of the fight against health disparities. Founded on the principle of our Coalition of CARE – Community, Advocacy, Research, and Education, we’ve been working tirelessly for over two decades to address the disproportionate health burdens faced by Black Americans in Kent County and beyond.

While significant progress has been made, the COVID-19 pandemic underscored the persistent and pervasive nature of health inequities. To create a truly equitable future, we need to take bold action.



Black Americans are 2.5X more likely than Whites to have diabetes.


Blacks are 3.6X more likely to die from heart disease compared to Asians.


Black men are 2.5X more likely to die from prostate cancer than White men.


Black Americans are 6.5X more likely to have HIV than White Americans.


Black Americans experience a stroke mortality rate of 38 compared to 30 for White Americans.


Breast cancer mortality was 41% higher among Black women than White women.


Black Americans have a poor mental health rate of 13.9% compared to 11.1% for White Americans.


Black children are 2X as likely than White children to have elevated blood lead levels.

At GRAAHI, we believe that EVERYONE deserves a chance at a long and healthy life.

Every dollar counts in the fight for health equity.

What can $5/month do?​

Every year we give aways hundreds of backpacks filled with supplies.

What can $20/month do?

Provide a Diabetes Education Class to 20 participants.

What can $40/month do?

Help support one student in our Pathways To Healthcare Careers Program.

What can $60/month do?

Support 10 participants in our Senior Restoration Program at the KROC center.

What can $100/month do?

Fund a full cohort of 15 participants to better their health.

The Impact of Your Support


Can a small donation make an Impact?

Every dollar adds up to supporting our programs, staffing and outreach.  While we receive generous support from grants, we need our community to support us at the grass-roots level. 

Where does the money go?

Your tax-deductible funds will be used to fund community health clinics, community events, educational programs and support our general fund.  You can specify how you want to allocate your gift on the donation form.

Is my gift tax deductible?

GRAAHI is a registered 501.3c non-profit. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive a yearly statement of your contributions.

How else can I contribute?

Give of your time by volunteering to help us in the office, at events or remotely.  Email us for more information.

Help Us End Health Disparities in Kent County.

Help Support the Fight to End Health Disparities in Kent County.

In the fight for health equity, every penny counts.

African Americans experience significant disparities with chronic conditions, access to care, preventive screenings, and mental health.

At GRAAHI, we believe all people should have equal access to healthcare regardless of race.

100% of your tax-deductible gift will support this mission.