Meaning in Colors – Holiday Pop Up Shop

Join us December 17th as we co-host a FREE Christmas shopping opportunity for families in need. In a time of residual and onging challenges with a pandemic and rising costs, we understand that creating an abundant holiday can be additional stress to your mental health. That’s why we are supporting Meaning in Colors in creating this fun community-centered shopping event. The heads of families can shop for their family members from a stock-pile of donated goods! No kids are allowed at the event as this is meant to be a suprise for them! (Hello Santa!)

Currently we are signing up families to shop at: FAMILY SIGN UP

We’re also inviting community members and organizations to donate new items to our shop. And we’d love to have additional hands on that day with friendly volunteers. To make a donation or volunteer, email us at:​

We’re honored to co-sponsor this event with Meaning in Colors, a local nonprofit that strives to support education and housing for our community members. Collaborations like this mean we’re tackling the social determinants that impact the health of our black and brown communities.

To read more go to:

To support more programs like this, donate as you are able at:

A Focus on Mental Health

Vanessa Greene, CEO of GRAAHI, kicks off video series for Mental Health Awareness month, by sharing her own journey to get support.

Improving mental health care for Black community members continues to be a priority for GRAAHI. We know that the stigma associated with seeking or utilizing mental health care services can be a barrier for some community members.

In light of Mental Health Awareness month, we will highlight community members and mental health clinicians sharing their perspective on navigating mental health challenges, the benefits of therapy, tips on connecting a therapist, finding a healthy balance with therapy and medication and more!

To kick off our series, check out our CEO, Vanessa Greene, highlighting GRAAHI’s focus on mental health and sharing a bit about her mental health care journey.

Visit to see the videos and learn about mental health resources.

Join us May 21 for Family Event in Garfield Park

GRAAHI joins other local organizations to host public Field day for Mental and Physical Wellness

Ready for some Family Fun? Join us on May 21st from 2pm to 5 pm at Garfield Park (near John Ball Zoo) for a day of activities, entertainment, prizes and fitness fun. We’ll be partnering up with local organizations to offer this FREE family event.

April 21 Declared GRAAHI Healthcare Advocacy Day, Mayor Bliss issues proclamation in support of Grand Rapids African American Health Institute

Grand Rapids, Mich. (April 20, 2022) – The Grand Rapids African American Health Institute (GRAAHI) is  proud to announce that Mayor Rosalynn Bliss has declared Thursday, April 21, 2022 the first-ever  “GRAAHI Healthcare Advocacy Day” in the city of Grand Rapids.  

In the proclamation Mayor Bliss highlights GRAAHI’s advocacy work in the community and states, “the  City of Grand Rapids is dedicated to eliminating healthcare inequity and supporting those organizations  promoting healthcare equality.” 

The proclamation comes as GRAAHI celebrates its 20th anniversary of advocating for health parity for  African Americans in our community. The day will culminate with a virtual Gala where GRAAHI will  recognize four prominent leaders in our community for their efforts in bringing greater health equity for all  residents. The Equity Champion Awards will be presented to: 

• Christina Keller, President/CEO, Cascade Engineering 

• Christina (Tina) Freese Decker, President/CEO, Spectrum Health Systems 

• Teresa Weatherall Neal, CEO, Lead 616 

• Dr. Wanda Lipscomb, MSU College of Human Medicine 

“We greatly appreciate the Mayor’s proclamation in support of our organization,” said Vanessa Greene,  CEO of GRAAHI. “The City’s commitment along with the support of the healthcare community, volunteers  and donors, is essential to us achieving our goal of health parity for all in Grand Rapids.” 

The GRAAHI 2021 Health Equity Report highlights the societal factors that block access to healthcare for  many minority residents in Grand Rapids, leading to higher rates of illness and death from COVID-19,  heart disease, lung cancer, HIV, obesity, depression, diabetes and infant mortality. If you would like learn more about how to get involved with our organization or would like to make a  donation, simply go to the website. 

Self Care is Community Care

A Call for Healing and Wellness

Today, as the video footage of the killing of Patrick Lyoya is released, collectively we will most likely feel shock, sadness and outrage. An act like this inflicts trauma on our entire community.

As proponents of health and wellness, GRAAHI invites you to practice ultimate self care during these times.  This includes the following:

  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Spending quality time with family and friends
  • Turning off social media, and whatever else you need to assist in protecting your overall mental health and wellness. 

It also means making choices about what actions you need to take to support yourself and your family.  Some may choose to watch the video and some may NOT choose to watch the video; both are your ultimate choice. What we ask is for you to truly protect your mental health and if you choose NOT to watch the video, It’s okay as this is your personal choice. If you do choose to watch, please do the following:

  • Make sure you set healthy boundaries around the viewing. 
  • Don’t watch it alone.
  • Ensure you have support to help you process the video.
  • Don’t watch it repetitively, further challenging your self care and wellness.

This is not just a Black problem, it’s a community problem and will affect everyone in different ways.  That being said, we encourage employers to acknowledge the potential impact of this event on your employees and what you can do to honor and protect them.  Please allow them grace and flexibility as they navigate this traumatic event that happened in our city.

Violence, racism and systemic bias are not new issues, they are ongoing crises and at times like this,  they become flashpoints for change. We encourage you to take this opportunity to practice self-care, self-empowerment and to stand with us as we fight for a better and safer community.  

Wellness Adventure

GRAAHI’s Wellness Adventure is a fun and exciting way for kids ages 8-13 to learn about their health and overall well-being. This program will provide activities, recipes, and more to help instill healthy habits that the participants will be able to implement for the rest of their lives!

GRAAHI’s Youth Wellness and Mental Health Program for Kent County will provide activities, training, and educational resources to 100-150 school-aged African-American children (8-13) and their families to help build a physically and mentally stronger community.

Consisting of two cohorts of 50-75 students,
each 5-month (A: January-May and B: July-November) cohort will have
three critical mental health foci:
(1) exercise, (2) nutrition, and (3) positive behavioral development.


  • Promote health lifestyle habits through exercise and nutrition education.
  • Improve mental wellness of African American youth in Kent County.
  • Encourage family engagement in nutritional and physical activities.
  • Provide coping strategies for mental struggles (such as anxiety and depression).


  • Opportunity for African American youth to improve their mental health coping skills.
  • Family bonding and healthy lifestyle changes through physical activity and nutrition.
  • Creation of a safe space for African American youth to express their feelings and receive culturally-competent mental health guidance.

We’d love to have your child join us on this Wellness Adventure!

Register HERE>>

Help Benton Harbor residents have safe drinking water.

In yet another crisis affecting mostly black communities, Benton Harbor residents may not have safe drinking water for another year and a half.Much like the Flint, Michigan water crisis, Benton Harbor is dealing with high levels of lead in their drinking water. And, much like Flint residents, the people of Benton Harbor are asking why they’re just finding out about the very unsafe water years after local authorities became aware of the problem. While the Governor has call for all hands in to help with the crisis, we’re doing our part to serve our community.In partnership with First Community AME Church–Grand Rapids, MI, we’re collecting bottled water for Benton Harbor.

Bring bottled water or monetary gifts to 2 drop off locations or make a monetary donation by clicking on this link:

Give Hope – Sickle Cell Awareness Blood Drive 9/18/21

Support your community by giving blood. Saturday, September 18th, 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.

Please give as you are able. Baxter Community Center, 935 Baxter St. SE, Grand RapidsParking is free. All eligible donors will receive a Sickle Cell Awareness Month T-shirt (while supplies last). Versiti will also be testing all donations for COVID-19 antibodies.To ensure everyone’s safety during continuing coronavirus concerns, Versiti employees wear face masks or cloth face coverings and are temperature tested before their shifts. Donors are also temperature tested and prescreened before their donation. All donors are asked to wear their own face covering during their appointment.Social distancing is being practiced at all Versiti blood drives throughout Michigan. Versiti is efficiently cleaning and disinfecting all facilities and equipment at all drives.Donating blood takes about an hour. Anyone age 17 or older in good health who meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to give. Parental consent is required for donors age 16 to give. Donors should bring a photo ID that includes their birth date.

Click here to register, although walk-ins are welcome!…/drive…/135084

In the fight for health equity, every penny counts.

African Americans experience significant disparities with chronic conditions, access to care, preventive screenings, and mental health.

At GRAAHI, we believe all people should have equal access to healthcare regardless of race.

100% of your tax-deductible gift will support this mission.