COVID-19 – A letter from the GRAAHI team.

March 26, 2020

Dear Community Members,

In a matter of weeks, our way of life has been upended and disrupted. The COVID-19 virus continues to spread throughout the United States, changing the paradigm. 

In order to flatten the curve, we’ve been asked to “socially distance” and “shelter in place.” This has affected our jobs, our connection to family and resources, and our freedom. Let me reiterate that these actions are necessary and prudent in order to slow the rate of transmission.

Today, there are more than 2,856 confirmed cases in Michigan, with 41 being reported in Kent County alone. Over the next few weeks, we’re likely to see the numbers climb as more testing is available.

As our health systems distribute messages of hygiene and prevention, particular concern about how it is affecting vulnerable communities is rising. Given health inequities, we want to ensure that all community members receive high-quality care in order to mitigate the impact of COVID-19. Black people face disproportionate health issues when compared to whites. Our community is at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic illnesses, which makes Blacks vulnerable to more serious symptoms. 

Information about COVID-19 is coming at light speed from all types of sources – local, state and Federal government, news outlets, social media and hearsay. It can be difficult to know what information to trust and what methods to employ to protect yourself and your family.

To that end, we at GRAAHI, have compiled a list of resources that we feel provide trusted and reliable information that is updated and vetted. This includes information on the disease and access to resources for jobs, housing, healthcare and food. You can find the information our website at:

We continue to work with healthcare systems in West Michigan to identify the special concerns of our community and help them gear their outreach and services to meet those needs.

Over the next few weeks, we will share reliable links to health information on our website and in social media. If you have specific needs or questions, don’t hesitate to contact us at

While this challenge seems daunting, we are empowered knowing that our community is strong and supportive and that we will rise to the challenges that come our way.

Take good care,


In the fight for health equity, every penny counts.

African Americans experience significant disparities with chronic conditions, access to care, preventive screenings, and mental health.

At GRAAHI, we believe all people should have equal access to healthcare regardless of race.

100% of your tax-deductible gift will support this mission.